Call Before You Dig!
It's SAFE, it's FREE and it's the LAW!
You serve an important role in helping to prevent pipeline emergencies! Pipeline damage most often occurs during excavation. Everyone, including you, is responsible to some degree for keeping the natural gas system safe.
A big part of that responsibility is to consider where utility lines are buried before you dig. That's always true, whether you're a homeowner using a shovel to plant a tree or set a fencepost, or a major contractor using a backhoe to open a trench or excavate to make room for a basement.
Steps you must take(Call Before You Dig!)
1). Call or go online to your state's one-call center at least two full business days before you plan to dig. The toll-free, nationwide Call Before You Dig number is 811.
2). When we receive an excavation notice from a state one-call notification center, each of our utilities will respond within the state resonse time and specific locate requirements to mark the approximate location of buried lines with paint or flags at no cost to you.
3). Dig with care! Lines cannot be exactly pinpointed and the depth can't be precisely determined. Please use extreme care when digging anywhere near the markings.
4). Call or go on-line to have the locations remarked for free if the original ones are disturbed or your project will be delayed by more than seven days.